GYC1211~ Never stop believing !! When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. :)

I just love this photo. Idk why! :P

Facilitator team! We are awesome and we know it :P

GYC1211 individual spiritual award- PHANG REN JET ! :DDDDDD *I AM SEXY AND I KNOW IT* LOL.

HIKING :D The awesome-est part of the camp. I would like to personally thanks Vincent and Keith, the two boys in my team, they really helped us a lot when Shawn was not around that time! I love you guys.

YES BATHING OUTDOOR. Can you imagine that? First time in my life. Kinda FUNNN :P No need to bathe with insects and screaming like insane in the toilet -.-

The very first day of GYC 1211! Exciting!!! Facis team :D
As the first time facilitator, i still have a lot to learn. To all those seniors facis and Mabel Wong, thank you for giving me this golden opportunity to join this big family. I get the chance to learn and to grow. I gained a lot of confidence, i never afraid to speak in front of people anymore and i get to understand people more.
It was a very meaningful camp and I actually understand more about myself. I believe the camp had improve me in socializing and even leadership skills. I can see the change in myself after this camp and of course after facilitator training. For me, facilitator training was tough, but it is worth it!
Learn by doing, gain by giving. What Mabel said is so true. If we give 100%of commitment, we will get 100% in return, to be honest, i did not really give my 100% of commitment during this camp, so what i got back was a little bit disappointed . I don't know why. Throughout the camp i was so scared and still lack of confidence, i believe i can do better next time:)
Our hugging session was still that fantastic. I realized that I actually didn't treat my parents right. I often give them an one when I was mad and now I know what is felt when I was given an one. It hurts. I shouldn't have ignoring them and raise hell everytime I'm in bad mood. Besides, I also found out that what goes around, comes around. I was hesitant and not willing to give a four when i was a camper. But slowly I realized that I wouldn't get a hug if I'm not willing to give one. It is similar to, people wouldn't treat you right if you don't treat them right. I can feel the warmth and love of the campers and facis during that session. It was beautiful.
Feeling is natural. It is neither right or wrong. I cried a lot during this camp. I just let it flow because i feel much more comfortable after that. I remembered Yuen Si told us that crying is a brave behavior because you admit your feelings and you are brave enough to go through the pain. In the end, you will heal it.
GYC1211, i love everything. All of them are so beautiful.