It’s PRS farewell. The day which is meaningful but I don’t hope that it will come… Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? It’s always sad to say goodbye.. Time flies and our Form5s’ are going to leave us. Those moments that we’ve been through together will be a memorable chapter in our life that we will never forget.. The times when we spent 2 days in the camp, in MKT camp, and we went for a one day trip to college..Those moments were so enjoyable and fun.. And also the days we spent together to practice our marching..Although we were not the champion, but the time, tears and sweats that we had sacrifices had already witness our victory.. Deep in our heart, we are already the best of all!
Cheah Yi Lin,my big torchlight. Thankyou so much. You’ve brighten up my life and you made me to become a better person. Sometimes, I feel that myself is too over you but I really hope that you won’t mind that. Today, you gave me the second and the third hug. I love the second hug. Both of us were crying and we were hugging tightly with each other. And you whispered :’ Sha Gua!Bu yao ku le!’ I love this feeling. The third hug, the hug before you leave the hall…… I missed it very much. ‘Wey, torchlight! Wo yao zou le…Bu yao ku le.. ‘ and you was looking at me .. giving me a sweet smile!! Ahh… I can’t stop with my tears. Torchlight, bu yao zou L Sighhhh! Yilin, I didn’t expect that you will cry during the sharing section. You really shocked me! The second time I saw you crying. When you cried I have no idea why my tears will flow out automatically. *I feel that I’m bit of abnormal* I love what you said .. You said that 你们在外面无论听到关于什么PRS的风风雨雨,都不必去管它。。我很喜欢prs,因为在PRS里我感觉到很舒服。。就好像你在外面发生了什么不愉快的事,当你来到prs时。。*tears rolling down*我们真的很像一个大家庭。。。 YES.. What she said was so true.. Lin, we will miss you and love you, now and always! :D
Amanda. Thankyou for giving me a chance to lead people. Thankyou for giving me a chance to gain back my confidence. Thankyou for giving me a chance to be who I am. Thankyou for giving me a chance which not everyone has that opportunity to have that chance. Too many thankyou and I really appreaciate all of them. :D When you are graduated, when you feel lonely, when you need someone to be your listener, just look back. I am just behind you. Helping and supporting you all the time. Mama, I will never leave you alone there. I will always by your side. Now and always. J I love you, ever...and ever...and...EVER!!!!!
Pey minn.... Yoi Ying.. Pei Qi... And others senior… Thankyou for your guidance and all of us really appreciate it. You guys made me to be more confident… I couldn’t believe that me, myself have the confident to speak infront of you guys.. Last time, I was just sitting there quietly but now… I have changed.. I have became more mature and I dare to do many things that I don’t expext myself will do that. Seniors, you all don’t have to worry because we will lead PRS into a new and wonderful chapter.. Besides that, I dare to just be myself when I am with you guys because all of you will always support me and give me a lot of faith :P
All the form 5 seniors. Thankyou for everything. WE LOVE YOU :D